
Kingdom Woman: Embracing Your Purpose, Power, and Possibilities is unavailable, but you can change that!

Become the Kingdom Woman God Is Calling You to Be Women, lean in: You grace this world with insight, sensitivity, wisdom, and spiritual beauty that has made you a force behind great accomplishments. Much of what comes in the life of a kingdom woman may not make headlines, but when you become passionate about what God is passionate about, positive change can occur in lives, families,...

your life, but somehow He hasn’t held up His end of the bargain. Whatever it is, it has you downcast. And whatever has you downcast has distorted your perception not only about yourself but also about the world around you. Before you give up, though, look up. See, being a kingdom woman isn’t summed up in just going to church more or doing more good things. It’s about connecting with the One who gives hope. Luke 13 tells us that the lady who couldn’t straighten up was in the synagogue. She was at