
Life Essentials for Knowing God Better, Experiencing God Deeper, Loving God More is unavailable, but you can change that!

What exactly does "spiritual growth" mean? It's a common phrase thrown around in Christian circles, but many can not truly define it nor describe how to achieve it. Tony Evans helps readers get a grasp on this "life essential" topic in his new, powerful book. Based on 2 Peter 3:18, Evans helps readers understand and cooperate with God's plan for growth. The author's prayer is that by God's grace...

that we draw attention to Him and promote Him as worthy of all praise and adoration. God wants to go public, but since He is invisible, He has created people whose full-time job is to make Him visible so that the world might see and be drawn to Him. We glorify God when we reflect the light of His character the way the moon reflects the brilliance of the sun. A company that really wants to glorify or show off its product or service will often erect a large billboard along the highway so everyone driving