
Life Essentials for Knowing God Better, Experiencing God Deeper, Loving God More is unavailable, but you can change that!

What exactly does "spiritual growth" mean? It's a common phrase thrown around in Christian circles, but many can not truly define it nor describe how to achieve it. Tony Evans helps readers get a grasp on this "life essential" topic in his new, powerful book. Based on 2 Peter 3:18, Evans helps readers understand and cooperate with God's plan for growth. The author's prayer is that by God's grace...

is free to do for you based on the work of Jesus Christ on your behalf. It is God’s inexhaustible supply of goodness whereby He does for you what you could never do for yourself. This is the ABC’s of the faith, but we need to review it because the truth of grace seems to get lost so often when it comes to how we grow in Christ. That may be true because growth suggests effort on our part, while grace is a gift that can only be received and enjoyed, not earned. But the Bible says we are saved by grace