
Covenant Theology: A Reformed Baptist Perspective is unavailable, but you can change that!

God has always dealt with his people through the covenant, yet covenant theology from a Baptist perspective is a teaching that is all too often neglected. Many Baptists don't know why they are Baptist. If questioned they are most likely to respond by alluding to the mode of baptism rather than its underlying theology. This book is easily accessible, providing the reader with a clear understanding...

Theological illiteracy, coupled with an unmatched subjectivism, has opened the door to the postmodern mindset, one where relativism9 has replaced truth. Indeed, truth has become whatever one wants it to be. Your god might exist for you and my god for me; god can be whatever one wants him to be. The idea of an objective truth, of a God who alone is God and who sustains and determines all things, in a world where right and wrong exists, has become, to say the least, unfashionable. Evidence of the