
The Power of Christian Contentment: Finding Deeper, Richer Christ-Centered Joy is unavailable, but you can change that!

It may surprise modern Christians that our current problems with discontentedness are anything but new. In 1643, Puritan pastor Jeremiah Burroughs wrote a work titled "The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment" that has as much resonance in our day as it did in his. Now pastor and author Andrew M. Davis helps contemporary Christians rediscover the remarkable truths found in this largely forgotten...

submits to and delights in God’s wise and fatherly disposal in every condition.”3 This definition is very dense, as Burroughs himself acknowledged when he compared it to a box of precious ointment that needs to be broken open and administered for its full effect. Let’s break it into three main concepts: (1) frame of spirit (mindset); (2) God’s disposal (God’s wise decisions about our lives); and (3) free and delighted submission (fully embracing what God has chosen for you). If you understand these three