
Brain Builders: Easy Exercises to Sharpen Your Mind is unavailable, but you can change that!

Brain Builders helps readers tap into more of their brain's potential through the mental exercise of vocabulary building and memorization. With the exercises in this book, readers can improve test scores, increase IQ, memorize more information, communicate more effectively, and excel in work and interactions with other people. The book also reveals eight time-proven memory techniques, encourages...

that the number of brain synapses increased when the test rats ran mazes. In the 1990s research into neuroplasticity abounded. Studies revealed that adult mice living in “enriched” environments involving mental challenges produced additional cells in the brain’s hippocampus. Also, researchers with monkeys and then with humans demonstrated that “enriched” environments increased brain cells. This indicated neuroplasticity. Furthermore, researchers proved that intellectual abilities are modifiable. In addition,