
Student Ministry by the Book: Biblical Foundations for Student Ministry (Hobbs College Library) is unavailable, but you can change that!

The field of youth ministry is often driven by fads and trends as leaders attempt to reach students by chasing the ever-changing tides of teenage culture. This short-sighted, though often sincere, approach not only produces superficial and misguided disciples, it leaves youth leaders and parents drained and disappointed by the lack of authentic spiritual transformation despite their heartfelt and...

Oh, that our student ministries would get this concept. Isaac responded in worship, obedience, and sacrifice because it was first modeled by his father! As student pastors and leaders, we must come alongside our parents in modeling worship as life and life as worship. That which we exhibit in everyday practice will be emulated by our students in their personal obedience and corporate worship. Then we will lead a generation who is shaped by a culture of worship that is founded on substance not style.