
Seeking Daily the Heart of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Seeking Daily the Heart of God is filled with 365, 3-minute daily devotionals. Each scripture based devotional is written real-time from Boyd Bailey's daily walk with the Lord. Join us as a fellow "wisdom hunter" as we seek to apply unchanging Truth in a changing world.

make those around it successful. Love listens; pride talks. Love forgives; pride resents. Love gives; pride takes. Love apologizes; pride blames. Love understands; pride assumes. Love accepts; pride rejects. Love trusts; pride doubts. Love asks; pride tells. Love leads; pride drives. Love frees up; pride binds up. Love builds up; pride tears down. Love encourages; pride discourages. Love confronts; pride is passive-aggressive. Love is peaceful; pride is fearful. Love clarifies with truth; pride confuses