
Look and Live: Behold the Soul-Thrilling, Sin-Destroying Glory of Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

Only One Addiction Can Set You Free Matt Papa was a "professional Christian" in full-time ministry, ready and determined to change the world. All the while he was depressed, addicted to the approval of others, and enslaved to sin. But then everything changed. He encountered the glory of God. All of us live in the tension between where we are and where we ought to be. We try our best to...

you’re having a great time living life the way you want to live it—spending your money where you want to spend it, using your time how you want to use it, setting your gaze on the glory that’s around you—and you are perfectly happy and content with no God telling you how you should live. Let me say this to you with all the love in my heart: Your crash is coming. It’s called death. Everything around you is passing. This life is a vapor. Don’t wager your soul on a glory so small—this world and all of its