
The Juggling Act: Bringing Balance to Your Faith, Family, and Work is unavailable, but you can change that!

Lunch is reserved for meetings, technology makes us available anytime, anywhere-and somewhere along the way 9-to-5 morphed into 24/7, and technology makes us available anytime, anywhere. Our demanding schedules crowd out what matters most: family, friends, even our faith. Although it may feel like you're living under the Big Top, take heart. You don't have to be a circus professional to keep all...

deceive us; he just needs to keep us busy. All that busyness, of course, can lead to an ineffective witness, career struggles, family strife, divorce, and ultimate failure in one’s personal and professional life. We’ve all heard stories of a respected businessperson’s marriage ending in divorce, or maybe a bitter family feud about the dividing of an estate or a family business. As you read those stories, you pause to wonder if it was worth it. While on one hand you might yearn for that business success,