
Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel is unavailable, but you can change that!

Christianity Today "Beautiful Orthodoxy" Book of the Year in 2016. Keep Christianity Strange. As the culture changes all around us, it is no longer possible to pretend that we are a Moral Majority. That may be bad news for America, but it can be good news for the church. What's needed now, in shifting times, is neither a doubling-down on the status quo nor a pullback into isolation....

to be mad. Of course they were. They were saying insane things: bloody crosses and empty tombs and Jew/Gentile unity. But they weren’t actually crazy. Jesus is the most reasonable voice in the Gospels, pointing out that his opponents’ arguments don’t make sense on their own terms (Mark 3:22–27; 7:14–16). In Agrippa’s court, Paul is considered insane. But it’s because he believes in the resurrection of Jesus, not because he is selling prayer cloths. Paul honored the rulers Agrippa and Felix, reasoning