
Baptist Foundations: Church Government for an Anti-Institutional Age is unavailable, but you can change that!

Ours is an anti-polity age, perhaps more than any other time in the history of the church. Yet polity remains as important now as it was in the New Testament. What then is a right or biblical polity? The contributors to this volume make an exegetical and theological case for a Baptist polity. Right polity, they argue, is congregationalism, elder leadership, diaconal service, regenerate church...

in the leadership, became common in Southern Baptist churches, with church members having the same percentage of failures as nonmembers. The call for the thoroughgoing renewal of the doctrine and practice of the church, especially as to membership and discipline, has never been made more aptly or clearly than by Al Jackson, the pastor for thirty-five years of Lakeview Baptist Church of Auburn, Alabama. He wrote, “A generation ago Southern Baptists … won the battle for the Bible. This generation faces