
Uncomfortable: The Awkward and Essential Challenge of Christian Community is unavailable, but you can change that!

Does your church make you uncomfortable? It's easy to dream about the "perfect" church—a church that sings just the right songs set to just the right music before the pastor preaches just the right sermon to a room filled with just the right mix of people who happen to agree with you on just about everything. Chances are your church doesn't quite look like that. But what if instead of searching...

as we are. But he isn’t. God’s covenant faithfulness to his people, even when the relationship is difficult and embarrassing, should be instructive to us. A healthy relationship with the local church is like a healthy marriage: it only works when grounded in selfless commitment and a nonconsumerist covenant. Is this approach uncomfortable, awkward, and stretching? Absolutely. But that is the point. ——— This book is about the comforting gospel of Jesus Christ that leads us to live uncomfortable lives