
Chasing Contentment: Trusting God in a Discontented Age is unavailable, but you can change that!

Recovering the Lost Art of Contentment The biblical practice of contentment can seem like a lost art—something reserved for spiritual giants but out of reach for the rest of us. In our discontented age—characterized by impatience, overspending, grumbling, and unhappiness—it's hard to imagine what true contentment actually looks (and feels) like. But even the apostle Paul said that he  learned to...

slides, but figuring it sounded petty, I’d just forget about it. One week, however, I was pleasantly surprised. In the middle of the first song, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The letters were crisp. This is great, I thought; and I hadn’t said a thing. Filled with the joy that comes from the unexpected small victories in life, I turned toward the balcony to see who was running the slides. I wanted to encourage that person after the service for the good work. But as I looked, my brand-new glasses were sliding