
Why We Pray is unavailable, but you can change that!

Prayer is foundational to the Christian life, but many people don’t really understand it. What is it for? How does it work? Why do we do it? This short and accessible book explains what prayer is, why it exists, and how it can encourage us in our life of faith. Written by a pastor with years of teaching and counseling experience, Why We Pray doesn’t simply tell readers why they should pray, but...

The perfect rest of God is doing the work of God, and that is the eternal calling that awaits his people. We see that glorious situation here, right in the beginning, in Genesis 1 and 2. God puts man in the garden, at perfect rest, in perfect harmony, to work under his direction. He speaks his gracious words of command to human beings, and the man and the woman respond obediently to God’s direction. That’s the visible form, if you like, of their trust in God, the visible form of expressing that right