
Christ + City: Why the Greatest Need of the City Is the Greatest News of All is unavailable, but you can change that!

Paris. Nairobi. Tokyo. Chicago. For the first time in history, over half of the world's population lives in cities, and yet evangelicals make up only 2% of many major urban populations. In this "urban manifesto," pastor and author Jon Dennis argues that the greatest need of our day is for the transformative news of the gospel to enliven the cities of the world. Dennis powerfully highlights God's...

cities? For God cares deeply for the masses of the city. And yes, we also need a movement of the gospel to every corner of the earth. Both are necessary. People matter to him, because they’re eternal.But cities are filled with people. God loves people in all their diversity, in all their need. Here’s an exercise. Take a walk through a city near you—and try seeing the people there as God looks at them. Pray for them as you acknowledge his heart: “Yes, Lord, you love them; yes, of course, you should