
Sex and Money: Pleasures That Leave You Empty and Grace That Satisfies is unavailable, but you can change that!

Pleasure. We live in a world obsessed with finding it, passionate about enjoying it, and desperate about maintaining it. Chief among such objects of affection are sex and money—two pleasures unequaled in their power to captivate our attention and demand our worship. In what is sure to become an instant classic, popular author Paul David Tripp pulls back the curtain on the lies of our flesh and...

approach to sex and money that avoids the insanity of the surrounding culture must begin with looking at life through the window of the doctrine of creation. The four words that kick off the biblical story of creation, “In the beginning God,” drive us to the following six implications. It is humble and significant to realize that the biblical story doesn’t begin with us. It begins with God. It’s important to recognize that the story that unfolds on the