
Doctrine: Systematic Theology Volume 2 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Christian doctrine, McClendon tells us, is no laundry list of propositions to be believed, but is rather an essential practice of the church. Doctrines are those shared convictions which the church must teach and live out if it is to be the church. The author rejects the prevailing assumptions stemming from the rationalism of the Enlightenment, and redefines theology as a discipline within the...

hospitality to strangers shapes its teaching about the Christian mission. Yet there is an argument against founding doctrine upon any one of these practices, or any combination of them—or, as with Liberation Theologies, building it primarily upon the church's practice (praxis) vis-a-vis the wider society: Since each powerful practice is subject to distortion, even to demonic abuse (see Ethics, Six), doctrine based directly upon it is likewise liable to abuse. Thus the wise church, in the formation