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A standard textbook on the art and craft of preaching. Craddock weaves history, theology, and hermeneutics into an exhaustive text on sermon preparation and preaching. Painstakingly prepared for seminary students and clergy, this book answers the fundamental question: How does one prepare and deliver a sermon? Craddock's approach is practical, but also allows for concentrated study of any...

The hours of study bear directly and immediately on who the minister is and the minister’s influence by word and action. It is in the study that so much of the minister’s formation of character and faith takes place. There are many terms to describe this activity. Study is an act of obedience: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your mind.” It is a time of worship: “An hour at study,” said the rabbis, “is in the sight of the Holy One, Blessed be He, as an hour of prayer.” What minister has