
How the Nations Rage: Rethinking Faith and Politics in a Divided Age is unavailable, but you can change that!

How can the church move forward in unity amid such political strife and cultural contention? As Christians, we’ve felt pushed to the outskirts of national public life, yet even within our congregations we are divided about how to respond. Some want to strengthen the evangelical voting bloc. Others focus on social justice causes, and still others would abandon the public square altogether. What...

materialist. Public conversation is ideologically rigged. Here’s another illustration. The illusion of separation is like a Trojan horse for idols and nameless gods. Do you remember how the Greek soldiers hid inside a massive wooden horse and left it outside the gates of Troy? The people of Troy pulled the horse inside the city gates. Then, while the city slept, the soldiers snuck out and destroyed the city. In the same way, claiming to separate politics and religion keeps organized religion outside