
Seeking God in the Psalms is unavailable, but you can change that!

Regardless of where you find yourself on the continuum of following Christ, you can engage with eternity in the Psalms. At times my doubts drive me to my knees with the Book of Psalms open before me—I read and pray over each word and phrase—searching for a divine antidote for my fears. Then the Holy Spirit takes my willing heart, and clarifies God’s purpose for my life. He uses His word to...

Therefore we will not fear, but will believe that the very best is found by faith in Him. Hope exists. He is our refuge when hope seems extinct. He is our refuge when financial requirements are ravishing our resources. He is our refuge when people we depend on are nowhere to be found. He is our refuge when health issues hound our heart. He is our refuge when fear knocks at the door and courts our courage. He is our refuge when our marriage hangs in the balance. He is our refuge when work pressures pulsate