
Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility is unavailable, but you can change that!

Duane Elmer asked people around the world how they felt about Western missionaries. The response? "Missionaries could be more effective if they did not think they were better than us." The last thing we want to do in cross-cultural ministry is to offend people in other cultures. Unfortunately, all too often and even though we don't mean it, our actions communicate superiority, paternalism,...

Definition. Trust is the ability to build confidence in a relationship so that both parties believe the other will not intentionally hurt them but will act in their best interest. This chapter explores the idea of trust—how we can build trust with the people around us, particularly people who are different from us. In most cultures of the world, trust is the glue that holds relationships together, the oil that reduces friction, the energy that promotes spirited cooperation. Without trust, relationships