
Rest: Finding Stillness in the Midst of Busy is unavailable, but you can change that!

Messy Morning. Busy days. Sleepless nights. Motherhood takes everything you’ve got—even when you’re on empty. Long days make it hard to find calm in the midst of chaos, but there is hope. With the Thrive Moms Bible Studies, women will discover an abundant life in Christ, throw off fear to take up the freedom Jesus died to give, and find rest in the midst of the never-ending busy. Each study...

Psalm 29 In Genesis, God’s Word opens by saying He spoke everything into being. What a powerful voice to simply speak and have a universe appear! God created humankind, and at first, He could speak to man, and the man and woman had no shame or fear at the sound of the voice of the Lord. But after the man and woman sinned, they felt shame. And when they heard the sound of God walking in the garden, they did not go out to Him. Instead, they hid. Scripture tells us that God called out