
Knowing Jesus: 52 Devotions to Grow Your Family's Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

These devotions feature simplified doctrine with easy-to-understand language so children will be engaged and able to follow along. The theological depth of these devotions will strengthen parents’ faith as well, providing a growing experience for children and parents together. Each devotion features a section specifically for growing children’s faith, including a topic or question to start a...

“My kingdom is not of this world.… My kingdom is from another place.” John 18:36 Jesus is King of all the earth. But not many people let Him be King of them here. That didn’t bother Jesus when He was on earth. He came to teach, heal, love, and die. He knew this world would be His kingdom, but something big had to happen first. An American embassy in another country is considered part of America, just like a French embassy outside of France is a part of France,