
Delights and Disciplines of Bible Study: A Guidebook for Studying God's Word is unavailable, but you can change that!

Bestselling author, pastor, and radio host Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe shares his delight in God’s Word in this comprehensive, highly accessible guide to biblical interpretation and application. In Delights and Disciplines of Bible Study, Dr. Wiersbe offers insight into the history, meaning, and context of the entire Bible, from Genesis through the Gospels through the last words of the apostles. Dr....

NIV). A second requirement is a willingness to devote time to reading, studying, and digesting what the Lord teaches you. I will be giving you “adventure assignments” as we move through the book, and I trust you will take them seriously. The noted British preacher Dr. G. Campbell Morgan would read a book of the Bible fifty times before he attempted to analyze it and write his exposition commentary. Fifty times! All of us claim to be busy, but if we