
Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

Forensic Faith: Christian Apologetics for people seeking truth.   Discover the captivating secrets of Christian apologetics, and dive deep into the realm of forensic faith with this compelling book.   Embark on an adventure where truth-seeking becomes your duty as a Christian apologist.   • Uncover the rules of evidence: Learn to defend what you believe, as Christian apologetics take...

Wendy Hoynes looked happier than I had ever seen her before. In fact, standing next to the man she was about to marry, I hardly recognized her. The broken, distraught woman I knew just three years prior had been transformed. When I met her, Wendy could barely speak for thirty minutes without crying. Her life had been derailed at an early age, and she hadn’t allowed herself to blossom or move through the sorrow she had been experiencing for many years. Today she was a