
Overrated: Are We More in Love with the Idea of Changing the World Than Actually Changing the World? is unavailable, but you can change that!

Many people today talk about justice but are they living justly? They want to change the world but are they being changed themselves? Eugene Cho has a confession: "I like to talk about changing the world but I don't really like to do what it takes." If this is true of the man who founded the One Day's Wages global antipoverty movement, then what must it take to act on one's ideals? Cho does...

Cleveland, PhD, author of Disunity in Christ “Eugene Cho reminds us of the gift and challenge of costly discipleship. Overrated is a must-read for anyone who pursues justice out of a deep commitment to Jesus. With his unique and transparent confession, Eugene invites us to cruciform justice work that bears the fruit of personal transformation. What a gift!” Revs. Gabriel and Jeanette Salguero, colead pastors of the Lamb’s Church and cofounders of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition “Part confession,