
Spellbound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today's Kids is unavailable, but you can change that!

Our culture is saturated with the supernatural. TV shows such as Medium, Charmed, and Lost all have an "other-worldly" theme. Most of them blur the lines between good and evil. This past year was a "record" year for Hollywood in the production of films that dealt with the supernatural/paranormal. While we choose our entertainment, our kids don't often have the luxury of choosing whether to be...

The goal of meditation techniques based on Eastern beliefs is not to think. One Zen teaching states that truth is beyond words (but of course, words must be used to say this!). Every source I encountered taught that a person cannot enter a mystical state, develop psychic powers, or have true spiritual progress through reason. Such a belief supports the idea that truth is whatever you experience. This embrace of the nonrational assumes that truth can only be realized without reason or thought. Yet