
Battle Ready: Prepare to Be Used by God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Battle Ready is for any man who longs to serve God. Inside you'll explore the lives of men who made an impact in their world, including Joshua, who led the Israelites in to the Promised Land, and Caleb, who trusted God for victory in battle. Uncover the traits of authentic manhood. Learn how to fully lean on Him and become a man God can use: a man who is battle ready!

He has all power, that He is everywhere, that He is good, that He never changes, and that He has all wisdom. Now that is a God who can be trusted. You see, the more you know who God is, the more sound you will be in faith and truth. And the more sound you are in faith and truth—watch this—the more He will use you! You can be trusted in a crisis not to go off half-cocked like the ten. This is why it is so critical to know Him. When you know Him, you trust Him. And the more you trust Him, the more peace