
Experience the Power of God’s Names: A Life-Giving Devotional is unavailable, but you can change that!

Let the Power of God's Names Transform Your Daily Life The many names of God reveal His characteristics and contain powerful promises to you as a believer. Each of these 85 devotions introduces you to one of God's unique names and includes a key Scripture, practical application, and encouragement to help you in your everyday life. Discover the rich blessings waiting for you when you encounter...

Our goal in life should be to reflect God’s glory and goodness. When others look at us, they need not see perfection. They should instead see someone who relies on God’s grace and love. When our hearts are filled with worry, doubt, fear, anxiety, anger, and a host of other unpleasant emotions, we need to give those feelings to God and ask Him to show us favor and patience. Before we even begin to make a wrong choice or think a wrong thought, we need to invite God into our hearts and minds and ask Him