
Overcoming Shame: Let Go of Others’ Expectations and Embrace God’s Acceptance is unavailable, but you can change that!

Are You Ready to Be Free of Your Shame? Shame is debilitating. It ruins relationships, thwarts growth, and destroys hope. It can masquerade as various problems—guilt, envy, pride, resentment—but until you heal the core issue, freedom will remain out of reach. Dr. Mark W. Baker wants to open your eyes to the real battle you're facing and teach you the skills to effectively fight back. He will...

we were designed by God to feel guilt, we all have the capacity for it. It’s just that sometimes we are not clear about its underlying motivation. Do you feel bad because you have hurt someone and want to bring your offense out into the open for healing even if you have to risk looking foolish? Or do you feel bad about something that happened and hope no one will ever bring it up again? If the fear of getting caught wins out, you are suffering from neurotic guilt, and it is likely to be with you