
Praying Through the Names of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Through the names of God, you gain insight into God’s character—and how each name represents a facet of His being that He wants you to know and trust. For instance, when you understand that Jehovah Jireh means “the Lord your provider,” you can be assured of God’s provision for you. In Praying Through the Names of God, Dr. Tony Evans reveals fascinating insights into some of God’s powerful names...

Yet I boast in your name, Elohim Machase Lanu, because in you I will rise and stand upright despite what life sends me. You are my refuge. Elohim Machase Lanu, I don’t always run to you when I should. Particularly when I feel vulnerable, I turn instead to things I can see to help me, or I turn to things that will distract me rather than going where I know I am safe—and that is to you. You are my strong tower, my refuge. Forgive me for not always acknowledging or taking advantage of all