
Reclaiming the Lost Art of Biblical Meditation: Find True Peace in Jesus is unavailable, but you can change that!

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight. — Psalm 19:14 Do you long to deepen your intimacy with the Lord? To find a sense of soul-steadying peace? To develop emotional strength? Then you will need to pause long enough to be still and know He is God. Trusted Pastor Robert Morgan leads us through a journey into biblical meditation, which, he says, is...

and with His wisdom. Solomon Ginsburg was a man who knew the power of giving himself to the meditation of Scripture. He was a Messianic Jew who lived a hundred years ago and traveled the world preaching the gospel. In 1911, he decided to head to America. His route took him to Lisbon, where he planned to cross the Bay of Biscay to London, and from there to travel on to the States. Meditation is the process by which our thoughts come to mirror God’s thoughts. Like Jennifer