
Daughters of the Church: Women and ministry from New Testament times to the present is unavailable, but you can change that!

Rich in historical events and colorfully written, this fascinating account of women in the church spans nearly two thousand years of church history. It tells of events and aspirations, determination and disappointment, patience and achievement that mark the history of daughters of the church from the time of Jesus to the present. The authors have endeavored to present an objective story. The very...

This view of Mary as a disciple in progress fits in with the picture we have of Jesus’ family in the Synoptic Gospels. His brothers did not believe in him before the Resurrection. In fact, they attempted to take control of him at one point, saying “He is out of his mind.”13 The fact that this occurs in Mark immediately before the charge that he was in collusion with Satan communicates the idea that no one understood him. Although Mary is not mentioned in this passage, there is no indication that