
Sticky Teams: Keeping Your Leadership Team and Staff on the Same Page is unavailable, but you can change that!

Learn the secrets to building and maintaining a healthy, productive, and unified ministry team that sticks together for the long haul. Serving as a church leader can be a tough calling. Whatever your role, odds are you've known your share of the frustration and disillusionment that comes with turf battles, conflicting vision, and marathon meetings. You may have asked yourself, "How did it get...

a ton of lessons. But none was more important than this simple truth: A unified and healthy leadership team doesn’t just happen. It has to be a priority. I don’t think it’s an accident that Jesus predicted church growth but prayed for unity. If left unattended or taken for granted, unity quickly disappears. Unity is the one thing that can’t be left to chance. You’d think I would have known that based on my early church experiences. But I didn’t. That’s because I chalked up conflict