
Saving Truth: Finding Meaning and Clarity in a Post-Truth World is unavailable, but you can change that!

How can Christians defend truth and clarity to a world that rejects both? Increasingly, Western culture embraces confusion as a virtue and decries certainty as a sin. Those who are confused about sexuality and identity are viewed as heroes. Those who are confused about morality are progressive pioneers. Those who are confused about spirituality are praised as tolerant. Conversely, those who...

Romantic and sexual desires don’t define us. Nor does sexual attraction. It is God who defines us. We only find that identity through repentance. King David found his identity when he repented of his adultery. A woman may find her identity when she repents of viewing the “perfect romance” as life’s ultimate goal. A gay man or woman may find his or her identity when they repent for making their sexual orientation their defining characteristic. I found my identity when I repented of so many broken