
The Lost Discipline of Conversation: Surprising Lessons in Spiritual Formation Drawn from the English Puritans is unavailable, but you can change that!

Recovering Spiritual Practices of the Past titles reach beyond commonly known spiritual formation practices in order to mine the wisdom of the past, bringing to light ways of thinking, living, and growing in Christ that the church today has largely overlooked. In The Lost Discipline of Conversation, spiritual formation professor and author Joanne Jung walks readers through the Puritan practice...

Sermons ought to be understood, remembered, and applied to personal living. HISTORICAL SNAPSHOT John Owen (1616–1683) was a theologian and minister who was called by some “the Calvin of England” and by others “the prince of the English divines.” At age twenty-six, his forty-one-year writing career began and would yield more than eighty works. In writing on the spiritual life, this theological giant advocated renovating grace. Sermons are an ordinary vehicle of grace and a chief means for conversion