
You Don't Get Your Own Personal Jesus is unavailable, but you can change that!

Jesus cannot be dismissed as one in a long line of religious gurus peddling peace, fulfillment, and a better version of yourself. You Don’t Get Your Own Personal Jesus, excerpted from J.D. Greear’s book Not God Enough, captures the liberating truth that God is exactly who he says he is.  You may prefer a God who is small, safe, and domesticated, a God who thinks like you think and likes what you...

When God appeared to Moses, he declared, “I am who I am.” “I am who I am” is not “I am whoever you want me to be.” Can we imagine how offensive it must be to God when we attempt to reshape him according to our preferences? How would you like it if someone did that to you? Suppose a writer approached you and said, “I have been watching you, and I’d really like to write your biography. I want other people to know how wonderful you are.” But then their biography presents you as an astronaut with a string