
MasterLife: Developing a Rich Personal Relationship with the Master is unavailable, but you can change that!

The phenomenally popular MasterLife series is now in paperback! The four six-week courses in the series are all designed to revitalize practicing Christians -- enabling them to make Christ the Master of their lives -- and to master their own lives by developing a personal, lifelong, obedient relationship with Him.This remarkable study guide is divided into four complete and discreet parts. The...

A stronghold is an idea, a thought process, a habit, or an addiction through which Satan has set up occupancy in your life—a place where he has the advantage. Strongholds begin in your life when Satan gets a foothold in you. Even if you do not plan to fight, Satan will wage war with you. The moment you start thinking that you are incapable of such behaviors as coveting, losing your temper, or entertaining lustful thoughts, Satan will launch a surprise attack, trying to trip you in the areas you feel