
Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs is unavailable, but you can change that!

Come discover one of the greatest secrets to a successful relationship! Love & Respect is A New York Times?best-selling marriage book making a difference with over two million copies sold! Help you and your spouse achieve a deeper level of intimacy by stopping the crazy cycle of conflict, developing better communication skills, and enjoying renewed passion.  Cracking the communication code...

loving. But can you afford to wait passively for this to happen, like some kind of neutral bystander? Can a husband wait for his wife to respect him before he becomes more loving? Can a wife wait for a husband to really love her so she will then show him respect? The fear, of course, is that you will show love or respect to your spouse, as the case may be, and get a bad response. So you tend to pull back, waiting for the other person to move first. But what are your options? Holding back your love or