
Grace-Based Parenting: Set Your Family Tree is unavailable, but you can change that!

Discover a parenting style that nurtures a healthy family and displaces fear as a motivator for behavior. Learn how to meet your child's three driving inner needs for security, significance and strength with the invaluable gifts of love, purpose and hope. Modern parents are stressed out and tired. They’ve tried countless parenting books on the market, many of which are harsh, fear-based books...

tight boundaries undermine the desire of the Holy Spirit, who is working to build a sense of moral resolve in their hearts. The second incorrect assumption that drives parents to construct unnecessary inner fences around children is that it somehow helps them gain more favor or protection from God. It doesn’t. God can’t give more of what He’s already given in abundance when we become His children. My parents were both brought up in homes where the moral boundaries were adjusted to fit the circumstances.