
The Language of Love and Respect: Cracking the Communication Code with Your Mate is unavailable, but you can change that!

Why does communication between couples remain the number one marriage issue? Because most spouses don't know that they speak two different languages. Communication expert Dr. Emerson Eggerichs says that the problem is couples are sending each other messages in 'code,' but they won't crack that code until they see that she listens to hear the language of love and he listens to hear the language...

reason why wives have such a hard time with unconditional respect for their husbands is that they see and hear in pink while their husbands see and hear in blue. One wife described the problem perfectly: “We think so differently. I don’t even relate to what he considers respect—or the lack of it.” I struggled to help marriages for many years before I saw the answer to this problem in Ephesians 5:33. God is saying in so many words, “Yes, the two of you are very different, and I am telling you to love