
Taking Your Church to the Next Level: What Got You Here Won't Get You There is unavailable, but you can change that!

All local churches experience a predictable life cycle of growth and decline. But if a church is on a downward trend, how can it turn around? Taking Your Church to the Next Level explains the impact of age and size on churches and outlines the improvements that must be made at each point for a church to remain fruitful and faithful to its mission. McIntosh deftly describes the cycles of...

However, as a church grows larger than 200 people, it requires that the senior pastor begin overseeing the larger church program, which will include more administrative work. If the church is to grow, the pastor must begin delegating ministry to other leaders in the church—lay leaders as well as paid staff members. When a church grows beyond 200, it becomes evident that a pastor cannot do it all. History shows that when a pastor tries to do it all and does not learn to delegate to others,