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What is the significance of water baptism? Who should be baptized? Is infant baptism scriptural? Which is the proper baptismal mode: sprinkling, pouring, or immersion? Should people be rebaptized if they join a church that teaches a different form of baptism? Should baptism be required for church membership? These and other questions are explored in this thought-provoking book. Contents and...

John D. Castelein Christians in the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ will find much in Dr. Pratt’s essay to agree with: (1) baptism in the NT is more than a mere symbol; (2) baptism unites believers to Jesus Christ; (3) there is nothing in the water that, in and of itself, regenerates the recipient apart from repentance and faith (this error is known as “baptismal regeneration”); (4) baptism works in conjunction with the preaching of the Word;