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What is the significance of water baptism? Who should be baptized? Is infant baptism scriptural? Which is the proper baptismal mode: sprinkling, pouring, or immersion? Should people be rebaptized if they join a church that teaches a different form of baptism? Should baptism be required for church membership? These and other questions are explored in this thought-provoking book. Contents and...

Baptism as a Sacrament of the Covenant Richard L. Pratt Jr. Most Christians who identify themselves as Reformed or Calvinists affirm that baptism is a sacrament of the covenant of grace. Although different branches of the Reformed tradition highlight different aspects of baptism, the major Reformed confessions and catechisms emphasize that baptism is both sacramental and covenantal.1 For this reason, I will discuss first the Reformed concept of baptism as a sacrament, and