
Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood is unavailable, but you can change that!

What's the most courageous thing you've ever done? As men, all of us face decisions in life that demand courage. Big or little, complex or straightforward, these choices—let's call them battles—matter a great deal. One courageous choice leads to another; tomorrow's integrity depends on today's bravery. Dennis Rainey identifies five stages of a man's journey through life—boyhood, adolescence,...

shelter.1 That’s what a soldier does. He acknowledges the storm, but he doesn’t give in to it. He stands firm. As a friend told me, “If these men can stand guard over the dead, how much more important is it that I stand guard over the living—my wife and children?” Like these soldiers, we are called to stand and do our duty while staring down the very storms that seek to rob us of courage, taunting and tempting us to neglect our duty and abandon our posts. These storms are packing some power. Are you ready