
Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood is unavailable, but you can change that!

What's the most courageous thing you've ever done? As men, all of us face decisions in life that demand courage. Big or little, complex or straightforward, these choices—let's call them battles—matter a great deal. One courageous choice leads to another; tomorrow's integrity depends on today's bravery. Dennis Rainey identifies five stages of a man's journey through life—boyhood, adolescence,...

man. When you step up, you assume responsibility for your family and for the assignment God has given you. It means you are an initiator, setting aside whatever inhibits you and passionately seizing your assignment. What’s the opposite of stepping up? Standing still . . . lying down . . . becoming a couch potato. Male passivity is a disease that robs a man of his purpose while it destroys marriages, ruins families, and spoils legacies. A passive man doesn’t engage; he retreats. He neglects personal