
Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood is unavailable, but you can change that!

What's the most courageous thing you've ever done? As men, all of us face decisions in life that demand courage. Big or little, complex or straightforward, these choices—let's call them battles—matter a great deal. One courageous choice leads to another; tomorrow's integrity depends on today's bravery. Dennis Rainey identifies five stages of a man's journey through life—boyhood, adolescence,...

is doing what you’re afraid to do,” said World War I flying ace Eddie Rickenbacker. “There can be no courage unless you’re scared.” Real courage is doing your duty under fire. And we all face situations throughout our lives that require that type of courage. Valor at home, protecting our wives and children. Moral courage in the marketplace. Becoming the men God created us to be, despite whatever pressures we face in the world. It’s never too late to step up, even when that