
More: How You Can Have More of the Spirit When You Already Have Everything in Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

Christ promised his disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came on them, and that they would be his witnesses across the world. When the Spirit did come to them in tongues of fire, thousands believed in Christ and were saved. That same miracle, that same Spirit, is alive in us today.so why are all of us-from the evangelical to the charismatic-so desperate for an intimate...

with his craftwork. The class had been learning about Pentecost and had cut out and colored four-inch cardboard flames to symbolize the coming and empowering of the Spirit. For once I was thrilled to see that Joel had decided to do his own thing. He had stapled together two straws to make a cross and had then attached the cardboard flames to the top of the cross. Joel told me he had wanted to be creative; in fact he was reflecting something deeply profound and theologically vital. The place of the skull