
More: How You Can Have More of the Spirit When You Already Have Everything in Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

Christ promised his disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came on them, and that they would be his witnesses across the world. When the Spirit did come to them in tongues of fire, thousands believed in Christ and were saved. That same miracle, that same Spirit, is alive in us today.so why are all of us-from the evangelical to the charismatic-so desperate for an intimate...

imperative of Eph. 5:18 “be filled with the Spirit” will also be part of the realization of this process.28 Paul’s choice of verbs, “going on being filled with the Spirit,” suggests, as the charismatic leader Jack Hayford has noted, that, “All the fullness of God speaks of more than one experience or one aspect of his truth or power. It points to a broad spirituality balanced through participating in all God’s blessings, resources and wisdom.”29 This fullness does not come through a one-off experience of God,